Scott took pictures of G blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, and I'll share those once we've downloaded them from the other camera. I think he said he got one whole birthday cake picture. Stupid camera.
Luckily, I now have a new fancy camera that doesn't have those same issues, and I used it to take a little bit of video of the birthday boy playing with a new puzzle from Grandma Joy and Grandpa Mark. He's such a funny kid!
Gavin has been very excited about his birthday (for the past month or so) - I'm pretty sure it's going to be a rough road when he realizes that his birthday isn't every day. Luckily for him we still get to celebrate his birthday with Grandma Lora in Dallas this weekend and again in Tucson with his Durham grandparents, and then Christmas brings even more presents. January will be hard, but at some point I'm sure he'll figure out that the present train has left the station.