Sunday, September 21, 2008

dance party

Gavin loves Rage Against the Machine. It's loud, angry, and, for some reason, it's just the thing to get Gavin dancing like a crazy man.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

in the backyard

It was really nice outside this evening, so we spent some time in the backyard. We'd been anticipating rain and wind from Ike to come our way, but we didn't get a single drop of rain. It was windy, sure, but no rain. So we took advantage of a breezy, not super swelteringly hot evening outside.

Scott was reading for school.

Gavin enjoyed climbing and sliding. Apparently, someone has taught him to say "cheese!" when his picture is being taken, which explains why he's making a silly toothy face in some of the pictures.
He's very independent when climbing now, which is awesome. He used to want one of us to hold his hand or be there at all times and now he couldn't care less where we are (as long as he can see us!) while he's clambering all over the place.
It wasn't terribly hot, but it was still warm, as evidenced by Gavin's sweaty head. Ah, boys.
Scott took some video of Gavin on the slide. The camera cut out in the middle, so we have part 1 and part 2.
Part 1:

Part 2:

Friday, September 12, 2008

1st day of school

Gavin had his first day of "school" yesterday. My baby's a big boy now!! He is going to a Mother's Day Out program 2 days a week. He even has a little backpack! I didn't get a picture of him with it before he took his backpack to Kelly's house, but I'll try to get one to post soon. So cute!! Kelly told me he had an "okay" day, whatever that means :) He didn't eat much while there, which doesn't surprise me with his history of hunger strikes in new situations, but I'm sure that will work itself out as he gets more comfortable with Ms. Janine and the rest of the Jellyfish class.

I feel terrible that I wasn't able to take him to his first day. I still haven't met his teacher! This working thing gets in the way.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Now that school's back in session, I just never seem to find the time to get on here and post anything. So, here it is, the big fat update of what's been going on with us here in Durham-land.

The week before last, I felt the baby move for the first time! It's such a wild feeling, and it's what I missed the most about being pregnant. This past Friday was 15 weeks. We have our 16 week appointment on Tuesday (so it's more like 15.5, but whatever) and hopefully we can schedule our anatomy ultrasound at that time. Yes, we do plan to find out the sex, and yes, we will be shouting it from the rooftops. Don't worry!

Gavin will be starting a Mother's Day Out program this coming week. Kelly will drop him off and pick him up (her kids are going there too) every Tuesday and Thursday, 9am-1pm. I'm excited to have him in a class with other kids his age. He's wary of new people, especially new grown ups, and it's going to be weird for me to hear all about everything that goes on at his school third hand, but oh well. I'm sure everything will be fine, even if there's some adjusting at first, and I know he'll end up having a blast.

Sorry, I guess I'm making you read a bunch (if you're actually reading and not just scrolling down) before getting to the Gavin gallery. Here you go!

Here Gavin and Scott are watching TV. Male bonding, baby - especially now that football's back!

One of Gavin's new favorite things to do is washing his hands. Whenever we go into the bathroom, or use the sink in the kitchen, or just walk past the sink in general, he rubs his hands together to ask if he can wash his hands. Good hygiene starts early! Oh, and so you know, Gavin went to the library the day we took this picture - that's a stamp on his hand/wrist, not a bruise!

They don't just watch TV on the couch. Here are Gavin and his daddy enjoying Gavin's "DOG" book.

Could he be cuter? Nope, I don't think so either :)

This is video of Gavin in his highchair. He wanted pizza for dinner (as you can tell) and was reading his daddy's bike magazine. Though we didn't get footage of it, Gavin can now point to the pedals, handlebars, wheels, seat, helmet, and probably more stuff I'm not thinking of. He's a bike lover, just like Scott. I'll have to get video of him riding his own little bike. Note to self.

And here he is in our closet. He was doing pull-ups on the bar before I got the camera, but when I returned to take video he got all shy and refused to do cute things, aside from just being cute in general. Oh well. Enjoy it anyway.