Saturday, September 13, 2008

in the backyard

It was really nice outside this evening, so we spent some time in the backyard. We'd been anticipating rain and wind from Ike to come our way, but we didn't get a single drop of rain. It was windy, sure, but no rain. So we took advantage of a breezy, not super swelteringly hot evening outside.

Scott was reading for school.

Gavin enjoyed climbing and sliding. Apparently, someone has taught him to say "cheese!" when his picture is being taken, which explains why he's making a silly toothy face in some of the pictures.
He's very independent when climbing now, which is awesome. He used to want one of us to hold his hand or be there at all times and now he couldn't care less where we are (as long as he can see us!) while he's clambering all over the place.
It wasn't terribly hot, but it was still warm, as evidenced by Gavin's sweaty head. Ah, boys.
Scott took some video of Gavin on the slide. The camera cut out in the middle, so we have part 1 and part 2.
Part 1:

Part 2:

1 comment:

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