Sunday, October 31, 2010

playing with balloons

Yesterday the boys got dressed up in their Halloween costumes (pictures of those to come!) and went to the neighborhood party. They each came home with a balloon, and both balloons were woefully sad looking today - but the boys had a ridiculous amount of fun playing with them!

(my apologies for the quality of the videos - iphones are not ideal for taking video!)

As you can see, it's a clothing-optional kind of day at our house. The boys also love to dance, and it's pretty funny to watch :)

Get yourself a baby kangaroo, you know what a kangaroo will do, they bounce and bounce and bounce and bounce and.......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vegas baby!

Scott used to travel to Vegas every year, right after Thanksgiving, for a work conference. I was always pregnant or home with a baby or 2 and could never tag along. For his birthday this year we decided to go big and head out to Vegas. Grammy came to stay with the boys and we had a weekend of being grownups. Without children! It was bizarre, but so much fun :)

This picture was one of our attempts to take our own picture in our hotel room. It was after we'd gotten back from seeing the Cirque de Soleil show "O" - which was amazing. I have no idea what it was about, but it was really fun to watch!

We were walking back to our hotel one afternoon when we spotted a Storm Trooper hanging out on the sidewalk. When we told Gavin over the phone he was so excited! I felt bad that I didn't get a picture of the R2D2 we saw, but it was on top of a slot machine and just didn't seem like something I really wanted to show him!

We wandered through the shops next to City Center, and the picture below is a restaurant!

Of the 3 shows we saw, Penn & Teller might have been my favorite. I really like that they stick around after the show for pictures and autographs. Penn called everyone "boss." Ha!

I actually heard Teller talk, which was interesting since he never talks during the live show or when you watch them on TV. He was very nice!

Here's an action shot of Scott while we were at the piano bar:

And my action shot:

We had some seriously great sushi at a fusion restaurant called "Sushi Samba." My favorite was the Maya roll, which was tomato, avocado, and crab, with a tomatillo dipping sauce. Holy freaking delicious sushi!!

I had to take a picture of our hilariously froofy drinks. Mine was a strawberry something, and Scott's was grapefruity (with sugar on the rim). But hey, we had a coupon, so one of them was free!

I threw away some money on slot machines (basically, I paid to push a button over and over with no return), but we didn't really gamble. Scott was wondering today how he made it through a weekend in Vegas without playing a single hand of blackjack.

I missed the boys like crazy while we were gone, but I also can't express how much I enjoyed sleeping in and going out at night and only being in charge of myself. This trip was only my 3rd or 4th night away from Gavin (and some of those were when I was in the hospital having Colin), and I'd never spent the night apart from Colin since he was born. It was definitely time! Plus, it made me that much happier to return home, since I couldn't wait to see my babies.

It's a lot easier for vacations to come to an end when you look forward to what's waiting for you at home.