Tuesday, June 16, 2009

summer fun

Scott bought a little pool for the backyard, and Gavin loves it! While Colin was napping the other day Gavin and I went out back for a little relaxation in the water.

Today the boys were snuggling on the couch, and I had to get it on video. Colin was babbling up a storm and Gavin was being such a lovey dovey brother. I love my boys!!!!

Here's part 1 of the couch fun:

And here's part 2 of the couch fun after I took a break to snap a few pictures:

There's not a whole lot going on around here these days, just hanging out and enjoying each other. I'm off until August 17 so I get to stay home and play with the boys for 2 more months. Yay!! Tomorrow we're visiting the fire station, so that will be fun. G loves to wear his plastic fire hat and pretend to spray us with water :)

Here are a few pictures from when Grammy brought Aunt Peggy and Grandma Wilma (Weema) with her to visit (Gavin wasn't really in the mood for a photo shoot):

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