Friday, January 15, 2010

for your viewing pleasure...

We sing the ABCs at home all the time, and we have for a long while - the song has even become part of Gavin's handwashing routine, a way for him to make sure he scrubs his hands long enough before rinsing. This video is take 2 - the first time, he was putting his hands in front of the camera [until I told him I'd let him watch it when we were done, that prompted full cooperation]. You may notice that he skips J, and of course lmnop is all one letter. We're working on it :)

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is a newer favorite at home. I don't know if he learned it with Kelly or at school, but he's just recently starting singing "twinkle." I'm sad that I didn't get it on camera when he was still singing "crinkle crinkle little star." Oh well. Still cute.

By the time we got around to singing "Wheels on the Bus," Gavin was really into it. My favorite part is when he gets to the driver on the bus.

Colin's not singing yet, but he is starting to sign! I'll try to get video of that soon. He's been signing when he's finished [at the table usually, though the other day he signed he was finished after some bath tub water swallowing/sputtering, which was cool - the signing, not the sputtering!]. His wave [hello or goodbye] is starting to look more and more like a real wave, too - it started as him clenching his fists and opening them again, at his sides or wherever his hands were, and now he's starting to point his hand in the direction of whatever/whoever he's waving at. Most recently he's starting signing "more." Today he had barely put a bit of marshmallow in his mouth and was already signing for more. The kid has a sweet tooth, what can I say?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

a day in the life...

Gavin spent the better part of the morning in his Shrek underwear (that are too big, and he was falling out of them in one way or another quite frequently, ha). He called it his "wrestling outfit." Then he had buffalo wings and banana yogurt for lunch - only Gavin would find that combo even remotely appetizing! - and dripped buffalo sauce and ranch on his undies so he decided it was finally time to get dressed. He came out of his room dressed in a rhino shirt and light-up fire truck jeans and carrying a sword, declaring himself "Captain Hook." Two guesses as to who saw "Peter Pan" for the first time today?

Colin has been (mostly) all smiles this morning. He woke up, nursed, and then just grinned at me. I love that! Then he played on the floor with the kitchen set (he likes to pull everything out and throw it on the floor - thank goodness he does it with the play kitchen and not the real one!) and with his new blocks. The blocks are very tasty, apparently, and he chewed on them contentedly. He napped early, then had some sweet potato and yogurt for lunch, and now he's happy in his jumper. It's been a while since he's used it, and I think we're getting close to time to retire it. It is definitely nice to be able to put him someplace and know he won't be across the room in 1/2 a second. I'll miss the jumper when it's gone!

Now Gavin is talking on the phone from his kitchen: "Hello? .... I know ... hmmm ... (hands phone to daddy) it's my friends. (takes phone back) Hello? ... oh my gosh! ... wanna talk to mommy? (hands phone to me, then takes it back) Yeah. ... I'm tired. I'll take a nap, in a little while. I'm watching football ... with my daddy. Bye!"

He has such an imagination. Yesterday, he told me he was the daddy and I was the kid. And he was going to the "hamburger station" to get me a hamburger and chocolate milk and apples and a toy. He got a soda, because he was the grown-up. Every place we go is the "___ Station" - the hamburger station, the coffee station, airplane station.

Now Colin is chewing on his fingers and looking around. It's almost time for his nap, but for now he's happy to chill out and talk to us. Just a day in the life of us...