There are only 5 more school days left! With kids, that is. Then I am supposed to go back on the Tuesday after Memorial Day to finish up. After that, school's out for summer!
Gavin graduated from Treasure Patch Kids last Tuesday. I didn't take any pictures myself, since Scott had his big fancy camera with him and took all kinds of pictures and video, so as soon as he uploads pics and fiddles with them (as he usually does) I'll come back and post the cuteness. He will now tell you "I'm in kindergarten now!" and he's excited to work on school-type things at home. Today we spent time doing "math work" with manipulatives I brought home from my classroom I never use. He got such a kick out of using the math tools!
Colin is a screamy mess these days. Evenings are rough, especially around dinner. He's been starting dinner with something rude ("I hate lah-sahg-nah!" was today's gem, complete with mean face and slamming his hand on the table for effect) and landing himself in time-out. Then he'll sit in time-out crying and screaming ("I want my moommmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!") while he refuses to say he's sorry. Then he gets up and tries to climb in my lap while crying. Still no "I'm sorry" since he's stubbornly refusing (most likely, he's just not sorry). I had to leave the kitchen today to get him to quit crying. So now I'm typing here and he's coming in to report every few minutes how many bites he's finally eaten. 3 more and he can have some yogurt for dessert!
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