Monday, June 11, 2012

the smallest moments...

...can be the biggest joys.  They can be forgotten quickly or remembered forever.

Colin just walked up to where I was sitting and reading.  Without words, he crawled up into my lap, wrapped his arms around my neck and curled into me.  After a sweet hug, he climbed down and went about his business.

Earlier today, while I was talking to my mom on the phone, I sprawled out on the couch.  Gavin climbed up onto the couch and stretched out along me, settling himself in for a snuggle.

I have to write these things down.  I know I feel right now that I will never, ever forget the feeling I get when my boys share their sweet little boy love with me, and I know that I have already forgotten a million other sweet moments I have shared with them as they have grown.  So I record what I can here and hope that I can hold on to these smallest moments for as long as I can.

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