Friday, July 13, 2012

friday the 13th

People always talk about Friday the 13th as being an unlucky day.  The movies are scary, sure, if I remember correctly, but what is it that makes us so wary?  According to Wikipedia, there is little evidence or written record to show a superstition about the day before the 19th or 20th century.  I thought it was interesting.

Anyway ... I've decided to declare Friday the 13th my lucky day.

5/13/2011 - the first Friday the 13th I remember for its significant date - I learned that I had a brain tumor.  You would think this would forever tarnish the date or support the superstition, but I am choosing to look at it as a lucky day.  I finally learned what was wrong with me, and that it could be fixed.  And it WAS fixed.

4/13/2012 - I was terrified going to my appointment with the medical oncologist, since the last time I saw a doctor on a Friday the 13th I got some crappy news.  This time, though, my doc told me that he doesn't need to see me anymore and we can go ahead and call me CURED.  Take that, Friday the 13th!  Where's your bad luck now?

7/13/2012 - I didn't even realize there was a Friday the 13th this month until, what, yesterday?  Kelly texted and invited the boys to see the new Ice Age movie with her family today.  Since they are with her (and I am certain they are loving every minute, they have really missed Kelly and her two lovelies), I have had a day to take care of myself and errands and not drag children with me.  Plus I got to have an "adults only" lunch with Scott and eat some yummy sushi.  Oh, and I was able to go to the grocery store by myself.  You KNOW that is a celebration!

So, yeah, Friday the 13th is my day.  I will own this day.  I only remember 3 of them (and one of them is happening right now, so that's not a big triumph, but whatever) but who cares?  I will not allow myself to fear a date on the calendar.  I'll use it as a way to find a celebration reason instead.  Way more fun.