Well, we had some luck for a while with Gavin being all jazzed about using the potty, but apparently his own personal throne has lost its appeal. He was insisting that "I want potty too!!" anytime he saw one of us on the toilet (hooray for no privacy). Since he usually asked to go potty just after going in his diaper, he would just pee a little trickle, so it went from "YAY!" and clapping for himself for each little trickly effort to "I'm done" after a half-hearted pee effort. He is more interested in flushing the toilet (I'm blaming the engineer genes for that) than in actaully using it these days. He no longer asks to go in the potty like he had been, and when I ask him if he wants to try he says no. He will tell me right after making a poo that he wants his diaper changed, so he's still aware of what's going on down there, he's just not so terribly interested in making it happen in the potty.
I don't really care if he gives up for a while. At least I know he knows what to do on the potty. It's just a matter of realizing it before it happens. Since he hates having a poopy diaper, that will probably help us out later on. He doesn't care about a peed-in diaper, but when I'm home all day I can put him in underpants so he gets really uncomfortable really fast if he pees (if necessary). Plus, with the baby coming in 3 months (ack) we'll undoubtadly hit some road blocks again. So, yeah, not pushing it. When he's ready, he'll go on the potty. He's too much of a neat freak to go in his diaper forever :)
2 blog posts in a row all about Gavin's poop and pee. Ah, the joys of motherhood.....
Ugg! Aiden did the same thing with the potty. Got really interested went in his potty for a couple of weeks and then decided it wasn't fun anymore.
How are you feeling these days?
I'm feeling great! Balance is off more than ever, but all in all things are going very well. There's that whole exhaustion thing, but that's pretty much a constant :)
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