I had my weekly OB appointment today, complete with ultrasound to check the baby's movement and fluid levels and all that. The ultrasound was first. The technician said that my fluid was measuring around 3 as far as she could tell, which is definitely low, and then the doctor came in and said that everything still looked good and I would just need to come back again in another week (if I don't have the baby between now and then). He didn't share a number, he just said that he saw some good pockets of fluid. Then I went to my OB's office. My blood pressure was a little high today, but not too high, so that's good. My weight .... well, there's really no need to go there :) She did an internal exam (always so much fun!) and said that I'm about 1.5 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. That's definitely progress from this weekend, when I was only 1cm dilated but not very effaced at all. She was able to touch the baby's head and even wiggled him around a bit (yeah, that was a little uncomfortable to feel!). When she checked the report from the ultrasound she saw that the doctor noted my measurement at a 6 for my fluid, so we're still watching and waiting. If, at my next appointment, fluid levels drop again, we may have to schedule a c-section (since I can't be induced after having a c-section already) but hopefully nature will take over before that becomes an issue. I've been having twinges here and there all day and evening, but nothing resembling real labor (or even false labor). We'll see what happens next.
Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, an oh-so-flattering picture of my 37 week 4 day self:
Scroll down to see the picture of me in this same outfit just past 28 weeks. What a difference.....