Monday, June 13, 2011

update on stuff

Things are good! I am stronger and I don't get tired as easily. No more headaches from the healing inside my brain, but I do still get headaches from the outside of my head healing. They had to cut my jaw muscle (the chewing muscle by my ear) so I still can't open my mouth super wide (yawning hurts!) but it's healing and getting better. The area where they had to separate muscle from bone during surgery is where I get sore, usually at the end of the day, and I usually go to sleep with a kiddie ice pack. Luckily, it doesn't really bother me during the day. It's just when I'm in bed and not doing anything and I'm tired that I feel it.

Today will be a test of my energy level - the boys are home with me today, and Scott will be at work! They've been going to the babysitter's house the past 2 weeks since school let out, and starting today they're home with me full time. I'm excited to spend time with them and have our world back to normal, but I'm nervous about how exhausted I'll be by the time Scott gets home! I have an appointment at 3pm today so Scott's sister Beth is coming over to watch the boys. As much as I'm not looking forward to going to an oncologist (though I do want to hear more about exactly what this tumor was and what I'm looking forward to in the future) I think I will need a break away from the kids to rest! :)

I've been doing really well. Before surgery, I could stay in bed all morning and then get back in a few hours later for a nap. Now, I'm up at 6:45-7am (today I was up before the boys) and only if it's been a really busy day (like yesterday, yard work and swimming) do I need a nap. I've been pretty much just in the house for the past couple of weeks, since I wasn't able to drive, but now I'll be doing more with the kids home. We have several play dates planned, and thank goodness for that, other people's kids can entertain them! I'm trying to get some crafty stuff together for us to do, but the kids really just like to play with action figures these days :)

Gavin no longer takes a nap, so I'm thinking that while Colin naps in the afternoon we'll have "school" time. Math seems to happen at dinner (this kid is sharp, I am so screwed), and we can read anytime, so nap work will most likely be a lot of handwriting practice. He doesn't like to write (his daddy is the same, his handwriting is abhorrent) but I want to help him work on holding his pencil correctly before he goes to school. Pencil grip is set in place by age 5 or 6 and it's ridiculously difficult to change the habit afterwards. I fight kids at school constantly on that front!

All in all, things are fabulous. I am an entirely different person than I was in the 6 months or so before surgery. I have energy, I am happy, I want to interact with my family and friends, I want to be a part of things. It's good.

Enough about me - I started this blog to chronicle how things were going with the boys, and I have totally hijacked it with my brain tumor crap. Sorry!

Gavin finished his t-ball season while I was in the hospital. I missed his last game and closing ceremonies :( He loved t-ball, and he even got a certificate for most improved hitter from his coach! Now he's back in swimming lessons (we had stopped because it interfered with t-ball games on Saturdays) and he's doing really well. We didn't sign Colin up this time because there wasn't an opening in a parent/child class at the same time as Gavin's class, but we checked this weekend and there is 1 opening for each at 10:30am, so we're hoping no one takes them and we can move both boys to that time slot and both can take swim lessons. (Wow, holy run on sentence Batman!) Colin kept asking to get in the pool on Saturday when we were watching Gavin. We took the boys to our neighborhood pool yesterday, and Colin wasn't excited about getting completely under the water. He had a blast, though, with me holding him and kicking his legs. I think once he's back in swim lessons he'll warm up to it all soon.

What this blog needs is PICTURES! I've been taking pictures with my phone and usually they get posted on Facebook. Dumb FB is why I never update the blog, it's an immediate update. This summer I will try to take more pictures (these kids are growing so fast!) and post them online. A girl's gotta have goals!

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