Tuesday, October 7, 2008

news and new words

We had our anatomy ultrasound today for the new baby! If you don't want to know what we're having, don't look at pictures 4 & 5.

Picture 1: the skelator picture...
Picture 2: what a cute profile!
Picture 3: profile is still cute! The kid's face is right up against the placenta - guess we've got a snuggler coming.
Picture 4: I don't think you even need the label and arrow to tell you what you're looking at here.
Picture 5: see? no arrow, and it's still pretty apparent :)
It was so freaking cool to watch the baby moving around during the ultrasound.

Gavin has just started saying his /k/ sounds lately, though most of them are still pronounced as /t/. His r's are still more like w's in some words, though he pronounces them in others. Listen to him say "fork" as he practices his new sounds. He says it twice in this video, and the 2nd time was especially funny to us.

He is also working on being quite the ham when I take his picture. He was saying "cheese," until riiiight before the camera took the picture, when he turned into demon baby. Priceless.

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