Sunday, October 5, 2008


Gavin decided to take his pajama shirt off himself this morning. In the kitchen. So it stayed on the kitchen floor until mommy was awake and decided it needed to move to a more appropriate place. Like the hamper.

The early morning shirt shenanigans resulted in a half-naked baby boy eating his Cheerios at breakfast. I guess the bright side in all of this, aside from Gavin's general, all-around cuteness, is that his PJs don't smell like milk now.

Grammy, I promise that the book you gave Gavin does get used for more than just a step stool.

See? Told ya! He loves lifting out the pieces to see what's underneath. We just need to work on putting them back where they belong before we lose them all :)

Jake was being extra cute today, so he got his picture taken, too.

We went to the new Salt Lick restaurant that opened a few weeks ago in Round Rock for dinner tonight. It was good! At least, I think it was - my head is all stuff and I can't really taste much, but everyone else thought it was yummy. Gavin felt warm afterwards, and sure enough, he's running another fever. Poor kid! It sounds like he has what one of his friends had last week, which was a fever with no other symptoms at all. He was warm, and snuggly, but otherwise his same little Gavin self. Hopefully this will pass faster than his sinus/ear infections last week. I want my healthy self and baby boy back!!

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