Sunday, November 14, 2010


Colin loves shoes. Loves them. As such, he would very VERY much like to be wearing them at all times. He has a specific love of his crocs. His cammo crocs are super stinky (seriously, EW) so I've hidden them from him. If he can't wear those, he wants his Longhorn crocs, even though they are too big.

This morning, he found one of his Longhorn crocs on the floor and had to put it on. He couldn't find the other one, so he walked around for quite a while in his red socks and 1 croc. He calls his shoes "oosh" (like he's saying it backwards).

The motion in the picture is because while wearing his favorite shoes, he was saying his other favorite word: NO.

Speaking of words, here's a list of words Colin says now:
NO!, baby (that's what he calls Gavin!), mommy, daddy, Jakie, Maggie, shoes, toes, nose, eyes, ears, hair, belly, penis (that was a new one this morning!), purple, green, orange, red, eat, milk, juice, doggie, puppy, Woody, hat, baseball, water, hot, more, please, thank you, bath, teeth, vitamin, car, mine, pizza, cheese (both the food and when pretending to take a picture), yogurt, cup, outside, whee! (that's his word for slide), swing, pop, balloon, bubbles, up, Spongebob (he says "bob bob"), knees, bottle, hi, bye-bye, nite-nite, uh-oh, ball, bite (usually it's "more bite" when he's still hungry), ew (that usually means that he pooped - he'll even point to his dirty diaper while saying it), pancake (take take, just like his brother used to say it!) ... and many more that I haven't deciphered yet :)

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