Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So work sucked today. Really. I was there for 10 hours (6:30am-4:30pm), which is 2 hours longer than I'm "paid" for (I get there early, and I had a meeting go verrrry long), and it was a rough day in many ways. But I get summers off. Right?

Dinner was not high on my list of priorities today. I mean, it was, in that I was starving by the time I got the boys just before 5pm. And since we had to head back out to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and didn't get home until just shy of 5:30, I was ravenous and about to lose my mind if I didn't eat soon. Scott got home and, lovely man that he is, cooked us some hot dogs before he left to go for a run.

Gavin ate most of his hot dog in the bun and finished it off out of the bun and is now eating his weight in potato chips. Colin drank a whole lot of milk and started in on his chips but I don't think he'll touch that hot dog tonight. Just ask the kids, they'll tell you, their mom is ALL OVER the healthy eating these days.

I hate that I'm so tired from a long ass day at work that I just don't care what they're eating. But... Colin came home in a dry diaper. Gavin helped out with his little brother. They both gave me bunches of hugs and kisses when I picked them up today. I plan to do copious amounts of hugs and snuggles after they finish their horrible, not nutrient-rich dinner. Things could be worse.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Colin is 2. He will be 3 in February, not entirely 2 months away anymore. I was starting to think the kid would head to kinder in diapers. He just did not seem to care that his diaper was wet or full of a big nasty poop or anything.

We started putting him in pull-ups (left over from Gavin), then underpants when we ran low, last weekend maybe? I watched the clock and sat him down every 30 minutes or less. He would go pee no problem. Yay! But come time to poo? 2-3 times a day I was dumping a nasty turd out of underpants because he never had to go when I had him on the littly potty.

The little potty is currently in the living room - gag - because he was much more amenable to sitting there with the rest of us around. It will move back to the bathroom really very super soon. I hope.

This weekend, we've started having more success. Colin's undies have been dry (and if we go out somewhere and I put him in a diaper, it stays dry too!) pretty much all weekend. He's pooped *in the potty* more than he has out of it, and yesterday he started to go while playing (first floor puddle, fun) but told us and finished on the potty. We're getting there!

Today, while finishing his lunch/playing with his Happy Meal toy at the table (they were good when we went up to my classroom, they got a treat, disgusting but they love it) I ran to the office for a second. Colin yelled "I need to go pee pee potty!" so I ran back, yanked down the undies, and had him sit right down. He needed to pee AND poop, and he did, and it was all in the potty, and I sat there with a big idiot grin so ridiculously awesomely fantastically happy that he'd finally told me he needed to go BEFORE HE WENT.

We are not out of the potty training trenches. Not by a long shot. A looooooong shot, to be certain. Colin is afraid of the big potty (especially public toilets, public restrooms freak him out with the big loud flushes and the noise of the hand dryers and whatnot), so moving to the actual bathroom (and out of the living room) will be a series of steps. Going while out in public? I'm dreading that. It's a necessary hurdle, and one I wish we could jump without having Gavin along for the ride (he can be a cheerleader or a pestering fly, depending on his mood).

But we are making progress, and there is an end in sight to the diapers.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Gavin turned 5 just before Christmas. The very next day, he came into the kitchen saying that his tooth was loose. I didn't believe it, until Scott tried to wiggle it and said that, sure enough, it was loose! I wiggled it myself, and then immediately burst into tears. Already? A loose tooth?

Sometime in the next day or two, I looked into Gavin's mouth at his teeth and noticed that his big boy adult teeth (yes, plural, there were two!) were growing in behind his bottom two teeth. And yes, the other bottom tooth was also wiggly. Holy growing up fast, batman!

Wednesday of this week, Gavin's loosest tooth was super wiggly. Overnight, apparently, it decided it was time, because his tooth fell out in his sleep. Luckily, Scott was able to find the tiny little thing somewhere in the tangle of Gavin's sheets and blankets in the top bunk bed. He put his tooth in the little green tooth chest the dentist gave him just over a week ago and waited through the day patiently to put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy that night.

Last night, the other tooth was barely hanging on. Worried about it also falling out in bed, Scott talked Gavin into letting him yank it out with dental floss. While we were on Skype with Grammy, Scott tied a bit of floss around the tooth and YANK! Nothing. The tooth hung on, the stubborn thing. They decided to try it again, since Gavin is super brave, and YANK! The tooth came out! G said it didn't hurt at all :)

The toothless wonder:

(picture coming soon! I just have to get it off my phone....)