When I put the boys to bed last night, I reassured them that they did not need to run in and wake me up in the morning - I'm on spring break, after all! - and that they could play in their room or the living room without alerting me to their status as awake.
This morning, I heard the *slam* of their door, followed by the slapslapslap of kid feet, that usually heralds the arrival of "MOM! I'M AWAKE!" and two big eyes staring at me by my nightstand. Today, though, the rude awakening didn't arrive. What I heard was a muffled sound of hand-held video games from the other room.
When Gavin got up a while later, he joined in the game playing on the other DS (thankyouSam). After a while he was upset by something (not sharing of a game? I dunno, I was in bed!) and I heard him announce "I'm going to get Mommy." Colin answered with "No you can not. Mommy is sleeping."
So Gavin stayed away, and they worked it out. By themselves. As I lay there in bed, I cherished that moment - because I know there will not be another like it for about 7 years - and enjoyed the extended stay in my bed. I didn't get up until 8am!!!!!
After a leisurely morning, it was time to get out of the house for a bit. The boys rode their scooters with me to the park. It was deserted so the kids had the run of the place.
Gavin tried climbing this thing the last time we went to the park, and he was terrified. I climbed it to show him it was okay, and it seemed to help him see that he'd be fine, and ever since he's been more and more sure of himself while climbing it. (I do not like ladders. That thing scares the bejeebus out of me. I'm so glad it's getting easier for him so I do not ever have to climb it, ever again.)
Very proud of himself up at the top!!
Colin still runs with his one arm pumping more than the other. I caught it in action!
They were playing pirates. Like Gavin's pirate "Argh!" face?
Here, after Colin tells us that a pirate says "Arrgh!" I ask him again what a pirate says. I'm looking for him to repeat "Ahoy ladies!" but with no luck. Maybe next time!
Colin's pirate voice is hilarious!
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