Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gavin's new look

I'm not really talking about his face, but here's another look at that crazy bruise:

Here is Gavin this morning, before we left the house. Side view:

Front view:

And here is Gavin after we returned from Snip-It's. Front view:

And side view:

He always looks so much older after he gets a haircut! I've been making Scott take him because Gavin cries during his trims, but today Scott's at school and G was especially shaggy, so I bit the bullet and took him myself. What a trooper! He cried initially, but by not even halfway through he was just looking around and doing a great job. He did start to cry again when she pulled the clippers back out to trim around his ears and neck, but then it was over! I think he looks fantastic.

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