Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm ready for my photoshoot...

Gavin is intrigued by the camera.

I grabbed it after his nap because he was rocking in his little while rocking chair, saying "rock! rock!" as he rocked away - which came out sounding like "wock! wock!" - and was (of course) adorable. When I returned with the camera, it was nearly impossible to get any good pictures of him because he kept wanting to see what was on the camera on my side.

Hey Mom, whatcha got there?

Oh, is that a camera?? Let me see!!

These lovely photos were mostly taken in hold-the-camera-out-in-front-of-us-and-shoot fashion while I fervently hoped that I didn't just get my forehead and the ceiling in the shot.
Ooh, can I touch the camera lens?

I finally got a real picture of Gavin as he was putting his cow back on the shelf. He looks so grown up.

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