Thursday, August 21, 2008
uh oh....
We are in some serious trouble. It's time to hit the store for some more kid-proofing supplies - fast.
I am sorry that posts have gotten to be more widely spaced than earlier this summer. I'm really busy getting my classroom together and will most likely be keeping posting to weekends, when I have time to take and upload pictures and put them up for all to see. I'll do the best I can to keep up with the Gavin updates!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
special visits
We ran to the grocery store to grab a couple of things, and my mom decided that Gavin needed a new toy. So he came home with an Elmo that talks when you shake it. Gavin was quite a fan.

Gavin decided that Elmo needed to sit in his little chair.
We had a little bout of cranky after our trip to the store. Gavin makes a pretty sour face when he has a mind to:
Thankfully, Elmo and Grammy were able to bring Gavin out of his funk and get him back to his happy self.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
back to work
Gavin returned to Kelly's house today and was welcomed with open arms. He doesn't cry anymore when I drop him off. He just snuggles into Kelly's shoulder (my mama's leaving me! woe is me!) and apparently is his normal crazy self soon after. I'm so happy that he's a part of their family. He's a very lucky kid.
Monday, August 11, 2008
new shoes
When we were at REI, Gavin had to try on nearly every kid shoe they had on display. It didn't matter if the shoe was big enough to fit my feet - he didn't care! Once we decided on the shoes we wanted for him, he refused to put his old shoes back on. So he walked through the store in his bare feet, carrying the box containing his new shoes while Scott carried his old ones. Goofball! I took a picture with my camera phone - grandmas, you should have gotten that picture today. So cute.

Doesn't he look fabulous in his new shoes? He's trying them out around the house today as he gets used to them. It's pretty funny when he gets on a roll and then falls down. Just on his knees, I'm not mean! And then he gets back up and right back to whatever mayhem he was into before.
Today is my last full day home with Gavin for the summer. Tomorrow he heads back to Kelly's house to play with Blake and Allison so that I can get my classroom furniture, etc. all squared away before my "real" first day of work on Monday the 18th. Gavin's Grammy will be coming to visit on Friday so maybe, if my classroom is ready, I'll play hooky and take one more day to be with my boy.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
all kinds of summer fun
Gavin loves wearing his sunglasses, even if it's just inside while watching the Olympics and enjoying pizza for lunch. He's so funny!

Bryant came over to help Gavin play in his bike trailer turned stroller.
Gavin is apparently following in his father's footsteps. He was transfixed and just basically enthralled with the measuring tape. Such a future engineer!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
new bicycle helmet

We did finally get him to remove it by just taking it away and saying "night-night" to it as we put the helmet to bed with his bike in the garage. Gavin was not amused. :) Now he's in bed, hopefully dreaming sweet dreams of riding his bike and wearing his super-cool new helmet.
hooray for air conditioning

Do you see the chunks of brown crayon? Those would be the pieces he likes to pick off the paper and hand to me :)
Aaaaaand I'm editing this post to share with you why Gavin cannot be trusted with crayons out of mommy's view:

So far I've found one teeeeeny little red mark on the wall. It had better be the only one!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
the zoo
Gavin was pretty excited to see the enormous tortoises. They were huge!

Smart one, here, taking a dip in the water to stay cool.
Here Gavin is enjoying the air conditioning while checking out all the fish.
We checked out the tepees. Gavin was getting sleepy by now - can you tell?
Having a little snack while checking out the rhinos.
This rhino was just in front of the fence, but we almost didn't see him hiding in the shade of the trees!
Now this animal had the right idea. What elephant doesn't enjoy a little water sprinkler action?
We were inspired by the elephant to have some sprinkler fun of our own back at the Herring's house. Uncle E took the boys out back to get soaked.
Bryant was a little more comfortable getting sprayed in the face than Gavin, but I think they both had a very good time!
My camera decided that it didn't have enough battery power for a lengthy video, but you get the idea of how cute the boys were in just the few seconds you get to see here.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
at the lake
Gavin was wearing Tommy's hat on top of his own but took it off right before I took this picture. It was pretty cute!

Thompson really liked the potato chips!! (I have to admit, so did I. They went pretty fast.)
Scott and Gavin spend some time together at the picnic table.
A Durham family portrait. (It's the best of the two we took.)
We had a lot of fun, and we ate plenty of hot dogs. Gavin has a little red spot on his back where I apparently missed a spot with his sunscreen - oops - but other than that we all came away relatively sunburn-free. Gavin loved floating in his innertube-with-a-seat thing and watching the boats/watercraft on the lake. I think we may have to go back again soon before I go back to work!! The water was nice and cool and definitely a nice break from the 100+ degree heat.