The boys are both so sweet in the evenings. (Afternoons can be a bit rough - today's sure was - but by bath and bedtime they've usually chilled out and are sweet as can be.)
After Gavin brushes his teeth, I always ask for a "fresh breath kiss." Totally stole that from Missy, and I'm glad I did. Any chance to get extra kisses makes my day!
Tonight wasn't technically bath night (we do every other night unless they're yucky), but Colin was a bit of a mess so it seemed prudent. He spit up big time at Kelly's, and tonight when trying applesauce for the first time (a HUGE hit, by the way) he got kinda covered in food. He was splashing, kicking, and talking up a storm in the tub so I grabbed the camera. Gavin elected not to take a bath but he does make a cameo appearance in the video.
Now that the boys are going to Kelly's during the day and I'm going back to work I won't have quite as many opportunities to catch their cuteness in action, but I'll try to keep up with posting stories and pictures after school and on the weekends. It's been fun to chronicle what we've been doing these past 2 months. I started a blog for my classroom, too - maybe I'll make it a point to update both at the same time so neither gets neglected (or they both do!).