Sunday, August 2, 2009

bananas and bikes

Colin had decided to take a break from eating cereal for a while (I was making it too thick, I think) but yesterday and today gobbled it up again. At dinner, he was happy and it was almost feeding time so we decided to try bananas. He ate nearly the entire jar! The first bite caused a "what's this stuff?" look, but then he just kept on eating.

He really liked the way the spoon felt against him gums.

We also had a bit of progress in the bottle department. He'd always taken a bottle without issue, but lately he's been chewing on the nipple and refusing to suck, which will make it hard for Kelly to feed him when I'm back at work. Today Scott brilliantly tried a sippy cup without the valve and Colin had a blast. He was grabbing for the cup, demanding more, when we'd pull it away! I'm excited that we have an alternative to the bottle.

Gavin got his strider bike a while ago, but he's just now getting comfortable on it. This evening he went around the block twice! The first time, we passed a couple of little girls in their front yard, and he sped up when he saw them. Show-off. The second time, he asked his dad where the girls were as they were leaving our front yard. Helpfully, his daddy told him they could "cruise for chicks." To which Gavin replied "we're lookin' for some chicks." Nice.

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