Sunday, September 20, 2009

time flies

Today Colin is 7 months old! It feels like yesterday that he was a teeny tiny newborn, and now he's sitting, rolling, and grabbing for the spoon so he can try to feed himself since apparently I'm too slow. I'm going to blink and then, like Gavin, he'll be in preschool and nearly 3. And then I'll blink again and they'll both be driving and in high school or off to college or or or... I need to blink less frequently.

Inspired by all this time speeding past, I spent a good part of the evening looking at old photos. Gavin definitely looks more like Scott's baby pictures, and Colin certainly looks more like mine. Though Gavin and I have the same eyes - you can really see it in pictures of me as a toddler. I found one picture of my brother Scott that looks just like Colin. It was wild! After delving into the old albums I pulled out my iphone and flipped through all the pictures I've taken with and saved on it. It was like reliving the past 2 years - and seeing Gavin at Colin's age is so odd, remembering what he was doing and wearing (Colin's grown out of all those outfits already, not surprisingly).

We spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, next week, next year. Every so often I have to remind myself to sit back and drink in the now. All too soon it will be gone. Gavin's been watching Kung Fu Panda (a LOT) and one of the characters says something about today being a gift, that's why it's called "the present." Too true.

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