Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Gavin loves going to the dentist. So much so, in fact, that when I let him know that I (gasp!) forgot to take him on Thursday - I'd been home all day with Colin, who'd been running a fever the day before - Gavin wailed. Not cried, no, that would not do the spectacle justice. He sobbed, he wailed, he nearly screamed. And he spent the rest of the evening, until he went to bed, angry with me. I felt awesome.

The dentist office is only open M-Th, so I wasn't able to call and reschedule until yesterday. Luckily, they had an opening this afternoon, so Gavin, Colin and I headed over there after I left work. Colin munched on pretzels and played with the water faucet (if you pushed a particular cabinet door it turned the water on, a no-hands thing) while Gavin had his teeth inspected, counted, polished and flossed.

After the hygienist finished with him (Ms. Stacy was great!), Dr. Gaddy came in to check him out as well. After learned what we already know - Gavin and his teeth are awesome! - Dr. Gaddy gave both boys a sugar-free lollipop.

Colin had his when we got home, and now it is somewhere in my house, stuck to something. I'm sure it'll turn up sooner or later..... :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

2K Fun Run/Walk

My first grade team organized a 2K Fun Run/Walk to benefit the Humane Society of Williamson County. Gavin walked/ran in the race - he ran most of it, actually! By the end, he was in need of a banana:

Colin also enjoyed the bananas. You can't see it in the picture, but he's shoving the piece I'm handing him entirely in his mouth:

Gavin was SO proud of himself!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Colin loves shoes. Loves them. As such, he would very VERY much like to be wearing them at all times. He has a specific love of his crocs. His cammo crocs are super stinky (seriously, EW) so I've hidden them from him. If he can't wear those, he wants his Longhorn crocs, even though they are too big.

This morning, he found one of his Longhorn crocs on the floor and had to put it on. He couldn't find the other one, so he walked around for quite a while in his red socks and 1 croc. He calls his shoes "oosh" (like he's saying it backwards).

The motion in the picture is because while wearing his favorite shoes, he was saying his other favorite word: NO.

Speaking of words, here's a list of words Colin says now:
NO!, baby (that's what he calls Gavin!), mommy, daddy, Jakie, Maggie, shoes, toes, nose, eyes, ears, hair, belly, penis (that was a new one this morning!), purple, green, orange, red, eat, milk, juice, doggie, puppy, Woody, hat, baseball, water, hot, more, please, thank you, bath, teeth, vitamin, car, mine, pizza, cheese (both the food and when pretending to take a picture), yogurt, cup, outside, whee! (that's his word for slide), swing, pop, balloon, bubbles, up, Spongebob (he says "bob bob"), knees, bottle, hi, bye-bye, nite-nite, uh-oh, ball, bite (usually it's "more bite" when he's still hungry), ew (that usually means that he pooped - he'll even point to his dirty diaper while saying it), pancake (take take, just like his brother used to say it!) ... and many more that I haven't deciphered yet :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

arrowhead ranch

Kelly took the boys to Arrowhead Ranch today. It sounds like they had a great time!

Here's Gavin feeding a goat:

Kelly said that Colin was trying to pretty much sneak up on the goat, most likely to hug it (like he does with the dogs). It looks like he's doing some rear-sniffing, totally cracks me up!

Doesn't Gavin look proud up on that horse?

Colin looks like he's concentrating on this horse-riding thing:

We'd talked about taking Gavin's cowboy hat over to Kelly's today, and it was forgotten somewhere during the weekend. When I picked the boys up this afternoon Gavin was not pleased with me! He told me that's why I shouldn't go to work, I should just stay home with them. Ouch! As much as I'd love to....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

colin likes corn

We went to Chili's for dinner tonight - why, yes, we are fancy people! - and Gavin asked for corn on the cob with his chicken. We never have corn on the cob at home, so I'm not sure where he has had it before, but when our food came Gavin dug right in.

Right before we were ready to go, Scott offered Colin a bite. He started and didn't come up for air for what seemed like forever! I'm sorry the video is so long, feel free to stop watching at any time ... I was just amazed that he kept at it so long :) About 40 seconds in, he says "puppy" around the corn when he sees a picture of a puppy on the wall. You'll notice that he does all his talking with the corn cob still securely in his teeth!

He did finally come up for air, but went right back to the corn to nibble some more.

Poor Gavin. All of my videos lately have been very Colin-centric. I'll have to get some video of Gavin writing his name. He's just recently learned how and I'm SO proud of him!

Friday, November 5, 2010

at the park

Yesterday afternoon the boys and I stopped at the park on our way home to enjoy the gorgeous weather. I haven't been to the park with the boys since the summer, I don't think, so I've missed some fun times it seems. Colin loves the slide!

Gavin had to have his "picture" taken on the slide, too :)

These boys are hilarious and sweet together. Sorry for the lengthy shot of just the slide part way through on this one - I was one-arming Colin to the top of the slide. Gavin just walks right up the slide rather than taking the time to go around to the steps, and monkey-see, monkey-do, so Colin has no patience for the going-around business. Anyway, here you go: