Tuesday, July 7, 2009

fun in the sun

Gavin loves to go outside to wait for his daddy to come home. You can find us in the front yard just about every day between 5 and 5:30, looking for that blue car to come down the street. Poor Scott, I call and bug him every day to ask him to call me when he's on his way home so we're not sitting outside in the 100+ degree heat waiting for him! As soon as Gavin spots Scott's car he yells "Daddy! There's my daddy!" while he waves and just generally gets all kinds of excited.

When Gavin was a wee guy he hated (hated) the way the grass felt. It was just a few months ago that he could handle walking through grass without shoes or sitting in it without having to be in my lap. Colin was having a blast pulling at the blades of grass as he leaned out of Gavin's lap and seems to love the way it feels between his toes. These 2 are so similar but so very different!!

We went back to the sprinkler park today to play with Kelly, Blake, and Allison. Gavin really missed them while they were on vacation! The kids weren't really jazzed about the water today and spent most of their time on the playscape and in the sand.

I put Colin down on a towel and he had fun making lovey faces at Kelly. I lovelovelove the toothless smiles! He also ate his first dirt today ... his fist dug into the sand and then went straight into his mouth. He didn't seem to notice the new gritty texture.

After a morning outside in the sun getting sweaty and running around, you'd think Gavin would have been pooped. But no, instead he seemed to be on speed and never napped, just ran around like a crazy man. Which stinks, since I could have used a nap of my own! I'll just have to work harder to wear him out tomorrow :)

Yesterday the boys were sitting on the couch and Gavin had asked to hold Colin. Picture time! Is it possible for me to be any luckier? Look at my good lookin' men!

Oh, and speaking of picture time... Scott's cousin Elisa made a hat for Colin, and it arrived in the mail just the other day. Gavin decided to have a clothing-optional afternoon, just his dinosaur skivvies and the hat from Elisa. What an ensemble, eh?

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