Wednesday, July 1, 2009

sprinkler park

I took Gavin and Colin to the sprinkler park today and it was so much fun! It rained on us as we drove to the park, but once we got there the rain was finished and we could play our hearts out. A couple of the kids from Gavin's mother's day out class were there as well, but Mr. Shy Guy was more content to play on his own. It was nice to see some of the other moms and kids, though :)

Gavin ran back and forth through this section of sprinklers. It was a favorite spot.

When the sprinklers stopped Gavin went right to the spout to see where the water was. We're pretty lucky he didn't get splashed right in the eye when the water started up again!

This pole spouted water in all directions. Gavin ran around it and round it for what seemed like forever. He never seemed to get dizzy!

Colin had fun watching Gavin play. And, of course, he did some serious chomping on his fingers too :)

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