Saturday, September 26, 2009

1st football game

Scott took Gavin to his first UT football game today. Here they are in the backyard before leaving for the game, looking very handsome in their Texas garb.

We have season tickets in the student section (Scott being in grad school has its perks!) but sitting there requires you to stand. The whole game. On the bleachers. That's not terribly kid-friendly! This week Scott used his boss's tickets - thank you Scott's boss! - so he and Gavin had a place to sit and, from this high up, you can see everything.

There was apparently drama in the car on the way to pick up Stan (one of Scott's co-workers who went to the game also). We'd promised Gavin that Scott would grab a juice box for him, and then the juice box was forgotten on the way out the door. Gavin fell apart in the car, screaming and crying and declaring that he didn't want to go to the game (did I mention that Gavin missed his nap to go to the football game this afternoon?). Luckily, Stan had juice that he kindly shared with Gavin.

Gavin watched people more than the game. He thought it was neat to be up so high, and the stadium's size is a spectacle all by itself.

I love this picture - check out the band on the field! It was awfully bright, so poor Gavin is all squinty, but he's still the cutest little Longhorn at the game :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

time flies

Today Colin is 7 months old! It feels like yesterday that he was a teeny tiny newborn, and now he's sitting, rolling, and grabbing for the spoon so he can try to feed himself since apparently I'm too slow. I'm going to blink and then, like Gavin, he'll be in preschool and nearly 3. And then I'll blink again and they'll both be driving and in high school or off to college or or or... I need to blink less frequently.

Inspired by all this time speeding past, I spent a good part of the evening looking at old photos. Gavin definitely looks more like Scott's baby pictures, and Colin certainly looks more like mine. Though Gavin and I have the same eyes - you can really see it in pictures of me as a toddler. I found one picture of my brother Scott that looks just like Colin. It was wild! After delving into the old albums I pulled out my iphone and flipped through all the pictures I've taken with and saved on it. It was like reliving the past 2 years - and seeing Gavin at Colin's age is so odd, remembering what he was doing and wearing (Colin's grown out of all those outfits already, not surprisingly).

We spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, next week, next year. Every so often I have to remind myself to sit back and drink in the now. All too soon it will be gone. Gavin's been watching Kung Fu Panda (a LOT) and one of the characters says something about today being a gift, that's why it's called "the present." Too true.

Friday, September 18, 2009

pizza and Taylor and bath time, oh my!

This is what happens when I don't keep up with pictures. I end up posting about a bunch of random stuff because I want to share pictures from a bazillion weeks ago.
Gavin loves to help us cook. He will see that I'm getting ready to make dinner and he'll trot off to his bathroom to fetch his handwashing stool so he can reach, and then he'll be ready to lend a hand as we make dinner or whatever. Just the other night he did some of the measuring and all of the pouring of ingredients into our chicken marinade and peanut sauce for dinner. Here I have pictures of him helping Scott make pizza one night.
Angela and Taylor came in town to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was crazy to see how big Taylor is now! I adore his chubby cheeks. Angela had been trying to get Taylor to drink from a sippy cup and wasn't having a lot of success, so we were all thrilled when he drank from a straw cup we had at the house.
He's a roller, too, and is rocking on his hands and knees like crazy, so crawling will be here soon. Watch out, Ang!

While they stayed with us, Colin slept in the pack and play in my bedroom. We checked on him after he'd fallen asleep, to find his bunny sitting up on his face. Who knows how this stuff happens....

All the boys were decked out in their finest burnt orange for the first UT game of the season :)

And in more recent news, Colin loves to splash in the tub. He soaked me last night :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

school's in session - for Gavin too!

Gavin's been back to school for a week now. He is loving the Pony class and Ms. Sara seems nice as can be. He even ate all his lunch his very first day there!! If you remember last year, Gavin went on hunger strike when he started at TPK and refused to eat his lunch. Ms. Irma was always giving us updates on when/if he would eat, and it was time for celebration when he finally ate his lunch. This year, we don't have that problem. Yay!

The part Gavin loves most about school is his new lunch box and thermos. The thermos is just like Blake's, so of course it's cooler than cool. :) Gav was so upset when we left his lunchbox at Kelly's house last week because he wants it with him at all times! Today, he woke up when I was leaving for work at about 6:20 am, and what finally worked to get him back in bed to sleep longer was reminding him that he would be going to school today and taking his new lunchbox.

Colin started waking up numerous times in the night a while ago, and it was killing me. He'd eat at 7:30pm, go to sleep, wake at 10:30 to eat, and then again at 1:30, and 3 or 4am, and then I'd have to get up at 5am to get ready for work. Not pretty! The last few nights we've been turning on his white noise "sleep sheep" and using that to help him go back to sleep instead of feeding for those 2 middle of the night times, and it's been working like a charm. Last night he was a bit screamy but he fell back asleep fairly quickly. I've been actually rested the past couple of days! It's a miracle!!! I don't know why I felt like I had to feed him whenever he woke - I'm not the smartest person when I'm woken up from a dead sleep :)

Pictures soon! Angela and Taylor came to visit, and I still haven't gotten those pictures downloaded from the camera. Maybe I'll get to that later tonight...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

busy busy busy!

Sorry the blog has been quiet - now that I'm back at work I'm just beat by the time I get the boys home. I try to spend the time between getting home and going to bed just playing with them (dishes, laundry, and other junk can wait - I need my fix of little boy giggles!) but I rarely remember to pull out the camera and document anything with pictures. It's always been that way with me, though. I'm too busy having fun to take pictures of the fun I'm having.

I started a classroom blog for my class this year, so I'm hoping that by being responsible for both I won't let either falter. I know, I'm funny, go ahead and laugh.

Colin is now a champion sitter. He will sit for long periods of time, playing with toys (especially the new one in the previous post's video) or talking and laughing and whacking me. He's a flailer! Bath time is now especially fun - I bathe Colin quickly, sometimes still using the sling for him to lay on just to reach all of his parts, and then he gets to sit up and splash to his heart's content. Gavin thinks it's great fun to be in the tub with his brother, too. I could watch the 2 of them interact for hours. Best entertainment ever.

Next week we get to meet Gavin's new teacher for this school year. He's excited to be in the Pony class with Ms. Sara! He goes to a Mother's Day Out program at a local church 2x a week. He loves going to his school and playing with his friends. Several of his classmates from last year will be in this year's class so that will help him feel comfortable (I hope). More on that after we meet Sara next Tuesday, and his first day of school next Thursday.