While Scott was in California for work, the boys and I spent a few days in Dallas visiting with family. I did the late evening drive - we left after dinner so the boys could sleep in the car - which was totally the way to go. Gavin surprised me by staying up until 9:30 or 9:45 both nights we drove. Colin slept the whole time both ways, but Gavin watched the cars and trucks and basically jabbered and blabbered the whole ride. He's a funny guy!
Grammy loved spending time with the boys! We went to see her at the office where she works, and Gavin asked if he'd get to see her tools. (When he visited Scott at work he got to go through the machine shop and see all the tools there, so of course everyone who works uses those same kinds of tools!)
Colin enjoyed snuggling with my mom - he fell asleep in her arms not long after this picture was taken.

My brother Scott was fantastic with the boys. He and Gavin became fast friends. When my mom and Gavin went to get Scott from his apartment, Gavin said "I love him" in his cute little Gavin voice, and when Scott ran into the Starbucks to get me a coffee before my drive home to Round Rock Gavin said "I NEED him! I need my Uncle Scott!" when Scott got out of the car. Except that Gavin doesn't actually say "Scott" - he leaves off the initial /s/ sound, and the final /t/ is more like a /k/. I'll let you sound that out on your own :)
I took the boys to visit my Grandma Wilma at her house while we were in town. At first Gavin was shy, but soon he was jabbering up a storm and throwing the ball for Grandma's dog. Colin was happy, like always, and had a grand old time watching Gavin have fun. Grandma Wilma gave Gavin a cowboy teddy bear - he's slept with it every night since.

We visited with Amanda and Aiden after we left Grandma Wilma's house. It was good to see them and catch up! Gavin was a little too shy (and tired) to play with Aiden but they seemed to have fun playing near each other at the McDonald's playground.
We also got to finally meet my cousin Angela's little boy, Taylor - what a cutie! They came over to mom's, along with Aunt Peggy (Gavin calls her Auny Piggy still, but he no longer oinks when we say her name!). I was having too much fun hanging out and spending time with them to think about finding my camera and getting a picture, but I'll just tell you that Taylor is adorable, with some of the biggest baby cheeks I've ever seen. He's just 2 months older than Colin so hopefully they'll be good buddies down the road.
After we got back in town, Gavin finally figured out how to roll all the way over and do a somersault. He's very proud of himself!